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Huntsville Public Library


As your new library director, I am excited to share how the 2023-2024 fiscal year was marked by significant achievements at the Huntsville Public Library (HPL). The Library embraced new roles in outreach: enhancing, revitalizing, collaborating, and building new community partnerships. We are committed to providing valuable resources for Library users of all ages to learn, explore, and spark enthusiasm while enriching their knowledge and creativity. My dedication and goal is to build both an internal and external strategic approach that will enable our team to continue to enhance the dynamic offerings that will enrich the entire Huntsville community.

Mission Statement

Transforming Lives, Enriching Families, Building Community

Coming Soon! New Makerspace at your library!

We are pleased to share that, thanks to our collaboration with the Huntsville Public Library Friends Group and the generous support from the Powell Foundation, we are set to begin the construction of the new Powell Foundation Innovation Station. Drawing inspiration from our mission, this makerspace aims to foster community connections, enhance knowledge, and develop skills by offering free and open access to a variety of tools, equipment, technologies, and software. Our hope is that these resources will ignite curiosity and encourage informal lifelong learning. From sewing and crafting to robotics and beyond, this center for discovery will serve as a vibrant, participatory hub for hands-on, multi-generational learning. It will enhance community engagement and facilitate interest-driven skill development, offering something for everyone.

Makerspace graphic, people sewing, crafting, robotics


The Library offers a diverse collection of print books, digital media, audiobooks, and new read-along Wonderbooks for children. We also offer specialized materials like large print, ESL literacy help books, and Spanish-language materials to serve the entire community.

We provide easy accessibility to print collections, updated digital media, and interlibrary loans through State access that resonates with the diverse interests and needs of our patrons. The Library continues to find available resources that support learning, personal growth, writing and reading enjoyment, and Huntsville’s community goals.

The Library also enjoys the benefits of TexShare databases, an online materials database with access to thousands of magazines, newspapers, digital encyclopedias, and more to patrons in good standing. Patrons interested in TexShare access can request a TexShare card in person or online at

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Physical Items Circulation

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Electronic Materials Circulation

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New Borrowers

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Registered Borrowers

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Library Services

HPL annually offers a free citizenship preparation course in partnership with Sam Houston State University’s (SHSU) Center for Law, Engagement, and Politics (LEAP). An average of 25 participants attend each year to prepare for the application process, oral interview, and exam for the U.S. Naturalization Test.

ESL weekly classes were offered in partnership with the local Region 6 Adult Education Department, designed to assist individuals seeking to become proficient with the English language or receive their English or Spanish High School Equivalency Certificate.

Spanish classes were provided twice-weekly with a former educator and volunteer teaching our beginner’s class.

Family History Month included bi-annual Genealogy Silent Auctions, annual workshops with volunteers under the Walker County Genealogical Society assisting in family history questions and yearly events, and other special presentations.

Author Talks with writer’s workshops were offered annually by the Piney Wood’s Writer’s Group and other published local authors, including Ann Weisgarber. Authors shared local history events that inspired their story and writing process.

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Library Visits

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Website Visits

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Reference Transactions

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Public Computer Use


Over the past year, our Library has proudly hosted many successful programs for all ages including our first Annual Bookmark Design Contest, monthly Homeschool Hub, author visits and workshops, classroom field trips to Foraging, and many additional diverse programs. Our intentional collaboration of building relationships with our community has created deeper and more meaningful connections that have enriched learning experiences and enhanced the lives of our patrons.


Storytime with Mrs. Linda


Teen Video Night


Mushroom Foraging - Mark M. Vorderbruggen


Huntsville Audubon Society

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Children/Teen Program Attendance

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Adult Program Attendance

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Total Program Attendance

Spring Break Luau

Spring Break week was loads of fun filled with daily activities and a super finale party! Festivities included Kona Ice Treats, a bouncy house, live ukulele music, and much more. A special Mahalo ~ thank you ~ to the Huntsville Library Friends group for sponsoring our fantastic week!

Summer Reading Programs

This summer, the Library provided an incredible journey of how ‘Adventure Begins at Your Library!’ Record numbers of participants earned reading awards including free books, swim passes, and free food rewards. The Library staff, the Huntsville Public Library Friends, Inc., the City of Huntsville, and more than 30 new community partners made this an unforgettable summer of adventure at our local library!

Storytime – Community Outreach

Community outreach is one of our biggest passions. Storytime pop-ups allow staff another opportunity to connect with local families and personally invite and share all the valuable resources available at the Library for their enrichment.

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Community Partners

We extend our appreciation to our volunteers and community partners. Your support is invaluable in helping us serve the community and enrich our programs. Thank you for both your new and ongoing commitment and partnership. We continue to look forward to many years of Transforming Lives, Enriching Families, and Building Community.

  • Huntsville Public Library Friends, Inc.
  • Huntsville City Parks and Leisure Department
  • Huntsville Independent School District
  • Huntsville State Parks – Texas Parks and Wildlife
  • Walker County Master Gardener Association
  • Kiwanis Club of Huntsville
  • Huntsville Rotary Club
  • First Financial Bank Huntsville
  • and many more!